Photo essay: A controlled burn at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve
January 9, 2024 | Topics: Places, Stories
Introduction by Ryan Wallin
Photography by Eddee Daniel
Although late in the season, it turned out to be a good day for a burn!
Forest Beach Migratory Preserve is one of over 30 nature preserves that Ozaukee Washington Land Trust (OWLT) owns and manages. Altogether OWLT protects over 7,000 acres in the Milwaukee River, Menomonee River, and Great Lakes watersheds. For the health of the land several maintenance techniques are essential; one of these is prescribed fires, also known as controlled burns.

Why burn?
OWLT uses prescribed fire to maintain grassland habitats and limit natural succession. Using fire in grassland and prairie habitats manages woody species, which helps to promote the area as a grassland. While woody growth in these areas is often from invasive species, controlling native woody species is also necessary to maintain the health of grassland and prairies.
Controlled burning promotes ecological diversity by removing previous years’ growth (or duff), and in turn allowing sunlight to hit the soil and germinate seeds in wait. This process also allows some established species to thrive instead of fighting for space from their neighbors. These grasslands fully recover after burning and are often healthier in just one growing season.

OWLT breaks grassland habitats up into smaller burn units to provide some refuge close by for small mammals, birds, and insects—this is especially important on habitat land within the Lake Michigan flyway, like Forest Beach Migratory Preserve. The controlled burn proceeds at a pace that allows these creatures time to react. Scurrying critters can often be seen retreating beyond the firebreaks to new havens ahead of the approaching fire.
Timing prescribed fires to meet your objectives and maintain control is a practice in patience. Sometimes that means looking outside of traditional seasonal windows to get the job done. It was late fall/early winter before conditions aligned with our objectives for this burn unit on the preserve, resulting in a nice bonfire in December!
The area burned on this occasion represents one of at least five burn units at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve that we rotate through on a three-year cycle.

Related stories (The Natural Realm) and photo albums (Flickr):
Story: Emphasizing the “Control” in Controlled Burn at Pringle Nature Center
Story: Fellenz Woods Preserve: A controlled burn
Album: Burning Three Bridges Park
Story: Burning Washington Park
Album: Burning Bong
Story: An Earth Day Success Story: MMSD’s Greenseams® Program Rejuvenates a Restored Prairie
For more information about Forest Beach Migratory Preserve go to our Find-a-Park page.
Ryan Wallin is Stewardship Director of Ozaukee Washington Land Trust. Eddee Daniel is a board member of Preserve Our Parks. Ozaukee Washington Land Trust is a project partner of A Wealth of Nature.
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I loved these photos and the commentary. Great work as. always.