Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee

Spiderwort and beardtongue at the entrance to the park.
Wisconsin’s only urban State Park is essentially an island in Milwaukee Harbor. It is connected on the north to Discovery World, the Oak Leaf Trail and lakefront parks; on the south to the Inner Harbor and the Hank Aaron State Trail and is very popular for running, cycling and enjoying spectacular views of the city skyline.
The 22-acre park includes ample shoreline fishing opportunities, including a quiet water basin along the park’s western path that is a prime location for rock bass and trout and salmon during their early spring and fall runs. The basin often freezes over in the winter, providing a popular ice fishing spot. There are fishing steps and an accessible fishing pier.
The park has a pebble beach on the calm inner basin and a few picnic tables. Paddleboat rentals are available in summer at Discovery World.
Over 8 acres of dedicated prairie showcase native grasses and wildflowers. The prairie and lake habitats attract a large variety of migrating and resident birds, including snowy owls, purple martins, green herons, American avocets, Caspian terns, and red-breasted mergansers. More than 60 native plant species were planted strategically so that flowers bloom from April through October. They include prairie smoke, spiderwort, coreopsis, wild quinine, milkweed, echinacea, goldenrods and asters. Stroll through the park at dusk to catch a glimpse of the resident foxes.
There is no entrance fee required at this Wisconsin State Park.
For more information go to Friends of Lakeshore State Park
Story links: Phenology at Lakeshore State Park.
The Birds Are Here: Public Art Lands on Lakeshore State Park
Groundhog Day at Lakeshore State Park
Sturgeon Fest (2018)
Sturgeon Fest: A Child’s Perspective (2019)

Avocets. Photo by Mary Lee Agnew
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- View of the skyline
- Dennis Sullivan and cruiser
- Aerial view of the park
- Ice fishing
- Kayakers
- Indian Summer
- The horizon
- The Spokesmen
- Compass plants
- Snowy owl. Photo by Mary Lee Agnew
- Examining fossils
- Trio of Ice Fishermen
- Prairie in Winter
- Prairie clover
- A solitary jogger
- REbirth, a temporary public art installation
- Sturgeonfest
- Releasing a baby sturgeon
- Wild Indigo
- Redwing Blackbird
500 N. Harbor Drive53202, Milwaukee, WI , US