Coping with COVID photo essay: All over the map!
April 8, 2020 | Topics: Spotlight, Stories
By Eddee Daniel
As the shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic continues, and as the weather improves, the outpouring of people into area parks—already unprecedented for this time of year—is increasing further! Yesterday, the season’s first unseasonably warm day enabled everyone to leave their coats and jackets behind. Sun worshipers in T-shirts and shorts joined the throngs of people (at discreet distances for the most part) who have been out walking, running and cycling for weeks in mostly far more inclement conditions. Kayakers too have hit the waterways.
Addendum: I wrote the above yesterday, before Governor Evers announced the closing of many state parks. Very sad. The people of Wisconsin blew this one! Everyone clearly understood the opportunity but not enough recognized the responsibility. We’re all in this together.

It is still possible, however, to find a place that’s not crowded. As we at Preserve Our Parks love to proclaim, Southeastern Wisconsin has a wealth of nature. Even yesterday, when the conditions were so spectacularly ideal, at three of the nine parks and preserves I managed to visit I saw no one else. I ended up taking the selfie above at one of them (something I rarely do) just to prove I was there.
Use our “Find-a-Park” map to find an out of the way place next time you go for a walk. With state parks closed, along with some nature centers, it’s more important than ever to find a less crowded place to go–and to observe the pandemic guidelines for safe use of the parks.
I invite you to enjoy this Photo Essay, from all over the map!

This is the fourth installment in our “Coping with COVID19” series. Here are the previous ones:
“Schools are closed, events cancelled, but parks are open!”
“Coping with COVID-19: People seek out nature!”
“Coping with COVID-19: People enjoying our parks!”
Remember, our “Find-a-Park” map is here to help you— yes! —find a park. Remember to observe safe personal hygiene and social distancing guidelines when you head out for fresh air, exercise and a healthy dose of nature.
To see the complete set of chronological images taken during the COVID-19 shutdown, go to Eddee’s Flickr album.
Note: The featured image at the top is from Regner Park in West Bend. Eddee Daniel is a board member of Preserve Our Parks and A Wealth of Nature Project Director. All images in today’s photo essay were shot in the past week.