Theresa Marsh Wildlife Area in Theresa

Winter colors
At 5,500 acres Theresa Marsh Wildlife Area probably would be far more well known if it weren’t so close to its famous neighbor, Horicon Marsh. Half of Theresa Marsh, which bumps right up against I-41, is at the northwest corner of Washington County, the other half in Dodge County. The East Branch of the Rock River flows through it. Wetlands, primarily emergent marsh and bottomland hardwood forest, cover 80% of the property. Uplands are composed of a mix of grassland, farmland, and upland hardwood forest.
Theresa marsh is managed for wildlife production, as a migration stopover area for waterfowl and other birds. Recreational opportunities include hunting, trapping, fishing, bird watching, and hiking.
Upland grasslands are dominated by tallgrass prairie. Grasslands are managed using periodic fire, mowing, and haying to provide nesting cover for mallard, blue-winged teal, and wild turkey and cover and forage for white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and ring-necked pheasants. Pheasants are stocked in upland grasslands throughout the pheasant hunting season.
For more information, including hunting and other regulations, go to the DNR website.
For a map of the property click here.
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Aerial view of the central portion of the property
- Sandhill cranes in flight
- Birch grove
- Hillside with goldenrod
- Hunting grounds
- Marsh view looking north
- Winter tracking tour
- Velvetleaf seedpods
- Smartweed blossoms
- Clouds and goldenrods
- Winter berries
- Winter birding
- Aerial view of wetlands
N8914 N Pole Road53091, Theresa, WI, US