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Rudorf Farm Preserve in West Bend

Activities: Birding, Cross-Country Skiing, Hiking, Snowshoeing

Field and sky panorama


A 93-acre Cedar Lakes Conservation Foundation property on the west side of Big Cedar Lake. 55 acres of the property is used for sustainable working farms to help prevent erosion, rebuild soil health, and support local farmers. It includes roughly 5K of hiking and cross-country ski trails. (Skiing memberships include nearby Fox Hill Nordic.) The terrain is sloped towards Big Cedar Lake, and the trails follow the perimeter of wooded pine plantations with a few spots of native woods remaining. The cross-country ski trails are not maintained to the level of the CLCF Nordic trails at Fox Hill, but at Rudorf you can ski with your dog(s) if you wish. The property was acquired in order to protect the long esker that forms a natural protective frame for the Big Cedar Lake watershed. The Rudorf family planted over 40,000 trees and created the trails that are used today.


For more information go to the Cedar Lakes Conservation Foundation website.

For a trail map, click here.


Ag Field and Pine Plantation panorama


Gallery (click to enlarge)



5036 Division Road
53095, West Bend, WI, US
