Retzer Nature Center in Waukesha
A Waukesha County Park with over 450 acres, a rich history and unique natural features. Miles of trails, including boardwalk, paved, and dirt hiking trails traverse the property, transporting visitors through colorful restored prairies, creeks lined with bright marsh marigolds in spring, and towering oak trees in the remnant oak savanna. Trails include the Nature Trail Loop, the Fen Boardwalk Trail, the Prairie Vista Trail. Snowshoeing is popular in winter.
An impressive diversity of wildlife species have been observed on the property, including over 160 species of birds making it one of southeastern Wisconsin’s top eBird hotspots. The expansive restored prairies and hayfields offer a unique opportunity to see and hear grassland birds, including bobolinks, eastern meadowlarks, and Henslow’s sparrows. Guided bird hikes offered by the Ben Goss Bird Club throughout the year.
The nature center is supported by the Friends of Retzer, which is dedicated to encouraging, perpetuating, and promoting the work of conservation and natural resource education. The Friends also support Waukesha County’s new Conservation in the Parks program.
The center offers many opportunities for environmental education and events throughout the year.
There is no entrance fee required.
For more information go to the Waukesha County Parks website.
Or to the Friends of Retzer website.
Story links:
Snakes alive! Citizen science snake surveys at Retzer Nature Center
Fifty Scarecrows Are among Autumn Delights at Retzer Nature Center
Trekking the Retzer Nature Center with the Sierra Club
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- A trio of birders
- Bloodroot in bloom
- Indian Plantain
- Hilltop
- Rough blazing star
- Marsh marigold
- Snowshoers diverging
- In the pines
- A pair of snowshoers
- A group admires a large white oak
- Skyscape!
- The boardwalk
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Rest stop
- Garden white butterfly
- Hikers
- Indian plantain
- Pond
S14 W28167 Madison St53188, Waukesha, WI, US