Ottawa Lake State Recreation Area in Dousman

Ottawa Lake beach panorama. Photo by Phil Krejcarek
The Recreation Area is a section of the sprawling Kettle Moraine State Forest – Southern Unit. It features a 17-acre lake with public beach, boating and fishing opportunities, along with the only year-round campground in the State Forest.
The lake has a boat dock and fishing pier where you can catch panfish, walleye, muskie, trout, bass, and northern pike. Motorboats are not permitted on this small lake, which allows for peaceful wading and quieter camping.
The southern Kettle Moraine is home to over 160 miles of trails, including 87 miles open to horse use, as well as a segment of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Cold-weather campers will enjoy snowmobile trails, ice fishing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing.
The recreation area is adjacent to the Ottawa Lake Fen State Natural Area, which shares the northern edge of Ottawa Lake, and the popular Scuppernong Springs Nature Trail.
For more information and to reserve campsites go to the WI DNR website.
For a map of the recreation area and campground, click here.
Story links:
“Ottawa Lake Recreation Area” in The Natural Realm
“20 of the Best Beaches in SE Wisconsin”
“OutWiGo Green brings thousands to Ottawa Lake despite the rain!”
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- The beach
- Boating on the lake
- Sandhill cranes on the beach
- Ice Fishing
- Families on the ice
- Playground
- Kayak rentals at OutWiGo Green
- Wetland
- A budding entomologist at OutWiGo Green
- Sunset over the lake
- Asters
- Campsite
- A pier full of anglers at OutWiGo Green
- Smokey the Bear makes an appearance
- Crane family looking for handouts
- Wild strawberry blossom
- Rock climbing at OutWiGo Green
- Bustling Fishing Pier at OutWiGo Green
- Bat Condominium
- Lakeside campsite
- Solo kayaker
- Pair of Sandhill Cranes
S59 W36630 County Rd ZZ53118, Dousman, WI, US