Noyes Park in Milwaukee
Located in the northwest corner of the City of Milwaukee. A major portion of the park is given over to a nine-hole beginners’ golf course of short fairways, along with a driving range. The western third of the park—a little over 22 acres—is maintained as a “nature study area.” A Parks Dept. ecological restoration project has cleared large sections of the understory of buckthorn and other invasive species, leaving a lovely and historic remnant beech forest intermingled with white and red oak, sugar maple, and basswood. A hiking trail, a stop on Milwaukee County’s Forked Aster Trail System, winds through the forest and around a small pond.
Spring or fall, this park provides numerous opportunities to see a variety of migratory bird species. Identified by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology program as a birding hotspot.
For Milwaukee County Parks map click here.
Story link: “Fall Foliage” at Milwaukee Magazine.
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Autumn stroll
- “A Walk in the Park” and Noyes Pool
- Woodland pond
- Autumn glory
- Winter giant
- Beeches in winter
- Dragonflies mating
- Group on woodland trail at pond
- Backlit wetland
- Presence
- Bullfrog
- Golf Course
- Gesture
- Forest opening
- “A Walk in the Park”
- Orange gilled waxcap mushrooms
- Woodland panorama
- Trainting wheels!
8235 W. Good Hope Rd.53223, Milwaukee, WI , US