Miniwaukan Park / Mukwonago River State Natural Area in Mukwonago

Mukwonago River panorama
83.4-acre Miniwaukan is a mixed-use park with playing fields, a disc golf course and picnic areas. Its main feature is a very large open field dotted with enormous, spreading oak trees. A level paved path circles the field.
Miniwaukan overlaps with the 44-acre Mukwonago River State Natural Area. The Mukwonago River is among the cleanest and most biologically diverse streams in southeastern Wisconsin and provides critical habitat for several threatened, and endangered species of fish and invertebrates.
At least 53 species of fish, including two states state-listed, have been found here, including grass pickerel, rosyfarosy facer, sand shiner, banded killifish, tadpole madtom, rainbow darter, and brook silverside.
Equally diverse is the freshwater mussel fauna. This reach of the Mukwonago is one of the most biologically-rich mussel habitats in the state. Sixteen species are found here, including Wisconsin’s only remaining viable population of a state-endangered species.
Amenities include a soccer field, baseball field, disc golf course, restrooms, picnic shelter, port-a-potties.
Gallery (click to enlarge)
405 McKenzie Drive53149, Mukwonago, WI, US