Lulu Lake State Natural Area in Eagle
1800-acre Lulu Lake SNA, co-owned by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and The Nature Conservancy, is widely recognized for its ecological importance. The site features a diverse mix of wetlands and uplands shaped by the glaciers. The mosaic of bogs, fens, sedge meadows, and prairies found here provide essential habitat for many plant and wildlife species. It is home to over 50 acres of oak savanna, a globally-rare ecosystem.
The lake itself is 95 acres and 40 feet deep, a drainage kettle lake fed by the highly diverse Mukwonago River. Its clear waters provide habitat for many rare fish, amphibians, reptiles, and bird species. It is accessible by boat from nearby Eagle Spring Lake. No-wake motor boats are allowed.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology lists Lulu Lake State Natural Area on its eBird website as a birding hotspot with 104 species recorded.
There are four parking lots at various points around the property. See map.
For more information, including hunting regulations, go to the DNR website.
For a property map including the locations of parking lots, click here.
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Kayaking Lulu Lake
- Hiking on glacial terrain
- Marsh marigold bouquet
- Descent
- Whorled milkweed in bloom
- Osprey and nest box
- Hiking on glacial terrain 2
- Showy tick trefoil
- Overlook
- Serviceberry in flower
- Guided tour
- Rough blazing star blossom
- Rhythms
- A pair of smiling kayakers
- Birding hike
- Hikers with Mukwonago River
- Blue hepatica flowers
- Rest Stop
- The channel between Lulu Lake and Eagle Spring Lake
- Mukwonago River through trees
- Idyll at spring
- Purple-stemmed angelica at spring
- Kettle with pond
- Kittentails
- Calcareous Fen
- Mukwonago River headwaters
- Gesticulating tree
- Foxglove patch with hikers
- Gnarly oaks and Lulu Lake
- Flat-topped white aster in bloom
- Hiking a crevice fill
- Purple martin house
- Bird’s foot violets
- Motor boats in channel between the lakes
- Braided vine
N9564 Nature Road53119, Eagle, WI, US