Honey Creek Wildlife Area in Rochester
This 1,495-acre Wildlife Area is made up of four separate parcels in western Racine County and eastern Walworth County. Habitats include oak woodland, lowland woodland, shallow and deep marsh, and grassland. Waterways include Long Lake, Honey Creek, and Sugar Creek. Wildlife includes deer, turkey, waterfowl and other small game. Pheasants are stocked.
The easternmost parcel includes the 83-acre Cherry Lake Sedge Meadow State Natural Area, which contains southern sedge meadow, fen, and northern wet forest communities. Of special interest are round-leaved sundew, shrubby cinquefoil, yellow twayblade, marsh St. Johns-wort, marsh fern, and sphagnum moss.
Honey Creek is featured in the Lake Michigan Region of the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail as a property with a mix of habitats that provides opportunities to see flycatchers, terns, great blue herons, American bitterns and Sandhill cranes.
According to the DNR website, additional recreational opportunities include canoeing, cross-country skiing, hiking, trapping, wild edibles/gathering and wildlife viewing. However, there are no designated trails.
For more information, go to Honey Creek Wildlife Area.
Three of the four parcels have parking areas. For WDNR map click here.

In winter the open water becomes a causeway to the island in the distance
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Yellow warbler
- frog
- Common yellowthroat
- Jack in the pulpit
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Nest
- Galls
- Ecotone
- Backlit Wetland
- Woodpecker buffet
- Island from the frozen north
310 S. Rochester St.53105, Rochester, wi, US