Genesee Oak Opening & Fen State Natural Area in Town of Genesee
This 50-acre State Natural Area is a classic bur oak opening on rolling, glacial topography, with open-grown, scattered oaks of moderate size. Numerous small, dry prairies occur in scattered openings throughout a 15-acre savanna, filled with side-oats grama, big and little blue-stem, pasque flower, rough blazing-star, Indian grass, prairie dock, needle grass, prairie-smoke, and white camas. To the east is a fen with many uncommon plant species. The remainder of the eastern area is wetland. About one-half mile of Genesee Creek, a fast-flowing, gravel-bottomed stream, flows through the site.
There are a couple worn footpaths, but no designated or maintained trails. The DNR allows cross-country skiing but, again, there are no designated or maintained trails. Remnants of a fireplace and foundation provide a hilltop destination.
The property is accessible on a narrow dirt drive. There is no lot and only room for one or two vehicles to park at the end of the drive.
No entry fee or parking sticker needed.
For more information, including allowable and prohibited activities, go to WDNR website.
For WDNR map click here.
Story link:
Genesee Oak Opening and Fen State Natural Area: Enchantment and Adventure!
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Hilltop panorama
- Black swallowtail butterfly
- Hepatica in bloom
- Wetland and sky
- Hilltop ruin
- A hunter choosing a spot
- Common ninebark capped with snow
- The oaks reaching for light
- Twisted
- A hunter entering the oak grove
- Hilltop in winter
W1969 Hwy 5953149, Town of Genesee, WI, US