Eagle Centre Prairie Preserve in Eagle
Eagle Centre Prairie Preserve, designated a State Natural Area by the WI DNR, is owned and managed by Waukesha County Land Conservancy. It got its name due to its picturesque and significant prairie remnants that are still present. Prairies are extensive grasslands with wildflowers and minimal tree coverage—usually less than 10% canopy, meaning there are very few trees per acre, if any. Oak savannas, on the other hand, have a canopy cover of 10-30%, blending scattered oak trees with grasslands. This transitional ecosystem supports a combination of prairie and woodland species, with around 5-20 trees per acre.
This property is home to a wonderful combination of ecosystems, including a dry-mesic to dry prairie, bur oak savanna, and oak woodland. Unfortunately, these landscapes are at risk and are classified as vulnerable, imperiled, and critically imperiled here in Wisconsin. Eagle Centre Prairie Preserve is home to several extremely rare plant species, including the endangered purple milkweed, threatened kittentails, special concern death compass, threatened prairie smoke, and special concern Wilcox’s panic grass.
Other species include purple love grass, prairie dropseed, side-oats grama, death camas, purple prairie clover, bird’s-foot violet, whorled milkweed, shooting star, showy goldenrod, silky aster, and thimbleweed.
There is a rugged, hilly trail system throughout the property. There are no amenities.
How to get there is a little tricky.
Although the property is adjacent to Hwy NN, there is no entrance on that side. Do not park in the Eagle Centre House Bed and Breakfast driveway. The entrance to the preserve is at the end of the Clover Court cul-de-sac. Directions: From the intersection of County NN and South Street in Eagle (just east of Highway 67), go south on South Street for 0.7 miles, then west on Meadow Lane for one block, then south on Clover Court to the cul-de-sac. (Fortunately, Google maps can take you there.)
For more information go to the WI DNR website.
Story link:
Excitement ensues during a Buckthorn Bash at Eagle Center Prairie!
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Aerial view showing oak savanna
- American Lady Butterfly
- Birders
- Columbine in Bloom
- Tallgrass on Hilltop
- Spiderwort in Bloom
- Dot-tailed Whiteface Dragonfly
- Shooting Star in Bloom
- Hilltop Prairie
- Rock Sandwort in Bloom
- Meadow Salsify Blossom
- Clearing buckthorn around an oak
- Aerial view showing mix of grassland and woodland
- Rolling terrain
- Prescribed burning is an effective tool to manage invasive species
- Volunteers clearing buckthorn
- Hilltop hike
- Ancient oak
- Volunteers clearing buckthorn
- Aerial view of buckthorn clearing event
- Mint Family
- Canadian Lousewort
- Lupines in Bloom
- Prairie Smoke in Bloom
- Meadow Phlox in Bloom
- Young Oak
509 Clover Lane53119, Eagle, WI, US