Davis Preserve in Mukwonago

A wetland pond on the southern edge of the property.
The 54-acre Waukesha County Land Conservancy property is environmentally significant for its location along the Mukwonago River, one of the most pristine and biodiverse rivers for its size in the state. A former wetland tributary to the river, Davis had been drained for agriculture and was severely degraded. A $1.1 million grant from the Wisconsin Wetland Conservation Trust is restoring Davis to a high-functioning wetland. As work progresses, native vegetation is returning, enhanced by the restoration of natural communities such as mesic prairie, wet prairie, sedge meadow, and wooded wetland. A trail loops around the property.
There is a large parking area, but no amenities. There is no sign at the entrance currently.

Restored prairie at the north end of the property.
Gallery (click to enlarge)
- Touring Davis
- Wild indigo in bloom
- Touring Davis: Wetland
- Bee and Lupine
- Wetland Tapestry
- Overlooking pond
- Rhythms in Red & Gold
- Oak Hill
- Monarch caterpillar on milkweed
- Lupines and pollinator bee
- Hilltop grasses
- Disused drainage ditch
- Aerial view 1
- Aerial view 2
- Aerial view with hunters
- Aerial showing Mukwonago River
- Autumn grasses and forbs
- Duck hunter
- Entrance
- Butterfly Weed in Bloom
- Delicate Cycnia Moth Caterpillar on Milkweed
- Carolina Horsenettle blossoms
- Common Milkweed in Bloom
W325S10595 Beulah Road53149, Mukwonago, WI, US