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Cudahy Nature Preserve in Oak Creek

Activities: Birding, Hiking, Snowshoeing, Wildlife Viewing

One of Milwaukee County’s three State Natural Areas, the 42-acre preserve consists of two woodlands separated by a stream. A single trail with two loops goes through both sections. The north section is dominated by red oak, white oak, black cherry, and shagbark hickory. The south woods is moister and supports an old-growth forest containing sugar maple, American beech, red oak, white ash, and ironwood. Cudahy Nature Center was inducted into the Old Growth Forest Network in 2024, one of only eight forest properties so honored in Wisconsin.


A stop on the Forked Aster Trail system. Particularly rich in spring flowers, including trout lily, Gleason’s trillium, blue cohosh, bloodroot, hepatica, and spring beauty. Designated eBird hotspot.


Adjacent to the flight path of Milwaukee’s Mitchell International Airport. The site is relatively undeveloped, with one shelter but no other amenities. No hunting, trapping or plant collecting permitted.



For more information go to the WDNR website.

For Milwaukee County Parks map, click here.

Story link: “Hidden Gems: Five Milwaukee area parks” at Milwaukee Magazine


Gallery (click to enlarge)


501 E College Ave
53154, Oak Creek, WI , US
