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Cherry Lake Sedge Meadow State Natural Area in Burlington

Activities: Birding, Hiking, Hunting, Snowshoeing, Wild Edibles Gathering, Wildlife Viewing

83-acre Cherry Lake Sedge Meadow, within Honey Creek Wildlife Area, is located in a serpentine basin in glacial till and contains southern sedge meadow, fen, and northern wet forest communities. With only a few patches of open water in the deep sedge mat, Cherry Lake is a misnomer. Vegetation of special interest includes round-leaved sundew, shrubby cinquefoil, yellow twayblade, marsh St. Johns-wort, marsh fern, and sphagnum moss. To the north of the sedge meadow is a small fen. Shrub-carr is scattered throughout the area, and a tamarack-poison sumac bog lies to the northeast. A portion of an esker runs along the west boundary. Cherry Lake Sedge Meadow is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1975.


For more information go to the WIDNR website.


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1181-701 County Highway W
53105, Burlington, WI, US
