Autumn Odyssey 2022: A Thanksgiving Photographic Treat!
November 22, 2022 | Topics: Spotlight, Stories
By Eddee Daniel
It’s seriously cold! We shouldn’t complain though. We went from unseasonably warm (for much of October) to unseasonably cold in the blink of an eye. The shock of it is what is so surprising. Then again, maybe we should complain—and whatever else we can do—about the problem of climate change, which is the likely explanation for it all. And perhaps a moment of silence is in order, in recognition of passing the dubious milestone of 8 billion humans on planet Earth. But I digress. It is, after all, the time of Thanksgiving. I am, despite it all, most grateful for our wealth of nearby nature. And this year I am grateful especially for the extraordinary autumn we’ve so recently enjoyed.

I am therefore interrupting our regularly scheduled programming of the Autumn Odyssey to bring you this special edition, consisting solely of selected highlights from the season. The images I’ve chosen are more than eye-candy (although you’ll find plenty of that!) They also come from all corners—and right in the middle—of the six-county region of SE Wisconsin that this project covers. I invite you to enjoy the spectacle, but also to check out the parks they represent—and use our Find-a-Park map to locate even more places to explore! Don’t let the cold keep you inside. Be thankful, and give all that you can to protect our wealth of nature by supporting parks, park agencies, and land trusts.

Stay tuned. Our regularly programmed Autumn Odyssey will return soon with much more of our remarkable autumn.
The featured photo at the top is from Pike Lake in Washington County.
Related stories.
Autumn Odyssey 2: Treasures of Oz and more! With links to other related stories from 2022.
Autumn in Southeast Wisconsin: A Thanksgiving Treat! From 2021, with links to related stories from previous years.
Eddee Daniel is a board member of Preserve Our Parks.