A Place Where Water Sparkles
March 21, 2019 | Topics: Spotlight, Stories
By Eric Hansen
Photos by Eddee Daniel
In honor of International Water Day, March 22, guest essayist Eric Hansen offers this meditation on water.

Lake Michigan shore at Doctors Park, Fox Point
We know we are fortunate to spend our days here, in a land we know as Wisconsin — a place where water sparkles — and is well worth caring for. Where gurgling streams and wave-washed shores sooth our lives.

Sandhill cranes rising, Horicon Marsh
Where the bubbling springs of the Moraine Country — and the timeless flow of the Mukwonago River — brighten our Sunday afternoons. Where a canoe trip to Horicon Marsh — or the Wolf River is a nearby treat.

Milwaukee River, River Hills
To our north — our Spiritual Homeland — the magnificent headwaters country of our planet’s finest collection of fresh water.

Cedar Creek, Jackson Marsh State Natural Area, Jackson
May our thoughts and words in the days to come have the liquid flowing grace of that sweet water.

Waterfall at Whitnall Park pond, Wehr Nature Center
Sometimes a deep, still pool — Sometimes a sparkling cascade or a thundering waterfall — Each drop precious in itself — and an offering to the greater good.

Kayakers on Menomonee River, Curry Park, Wauwatosa
And if the Spirits of this place ask if we are worthy of that grace – the answer shall be yes.

Playing in the surf, Grant Park Beach, South Milwaukee
Yes — if we act wisely. Yes — if we remember that most lasting of joys: the sounds of our community’s children — and their children — as they see the magical sights that we have known.

Sunset, Milwaukee County Grounds, Wauwatosa
For thousands of years — ever since the Great Ice melted — the pristine waters of this place have nurtured and inspired.

Milwaukee River, Kletzsch Park, Glendale
May it be so for another ten thousand years.

Fox River, Tichigan Wildlife Area, Tichigan
Eric Hansen is an award-winning print and public radio environmental essayist. He walked 1700 miles while researching his popular guidebooks “Hiking Wisconsin” and “Hiking Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.” Website: eric-hansen.com

Kayaking the Bark River, Waukesha County
Eddee Daniel is a Preserve Our Parks board member and curator of The Natural Realm.

Lion’s Den Gorge Nature Preserve, Grafton
This essay by Eric Hansen is a reprise that was first published with an audio file by WUWM 89.7 on March 22, 2018.

Fishing the Root River, Lincoln Park, Racine
The featured photo at the beginning is a sunset at Mauthe Lake, Kettle Moraine State Forest – Northern Unit

Wilson Creek, Wilson Park, Milwaukee